Per quanto riguarda il ricamo mi sto attualmente dedicando al SAL di Lili Violette "Il mio Dicembre": ho ricevuto l'intero schema e mi sento pertanto libera di organizzarmi il lavoro in tappe del tutto personali.
Lately I've been rather busy in making ready all required documents for a medical check up that my Dad will pass tomorrow. It's rather sad because they are going to regognize if he can be considered mental and physical handicapped. You can guess my mood, although we are fighting with the illness everyday.
About Xstitch, I'm actually working on SAL "Il mio Dicembre" by Lili Violette: the whole chart was available so I organized my work in personal steps.
In my tray there are so many WIP and project waiting to become WIP. I've just ended the cover of Astrid's school diary. We loved it.
Today we said "ByeBye" to summer and "Welcome" to fall by eating the very last Prosciutto crudo and Melone. It was delicious!
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